The agony of choice for escort ladies

Many ladies ask themselves the question: Escort Agency or Independent? Below we show you the advantages of working with Eden Escort versus Independent.

Eden Escort agency is a marketing and contact agency. This means that the agency advertises your offer as an escort on its website and on various other social media channels. However, you always remain the owner of all rights to the info and photos about your person. Everything we do for your application will be coordinated with you beforehand. Once everything has been clarified and you can be seen on the website, the agency forwards incoming inquiries to you. In the process, we already sort out some requests from potential guests who recognizably do not correspond to our ideas of politeness, attitude towards escort girls, alcohol and drug consumption. We also do not forward requests for quick and dirty sex.

The vast majority of guests, however, are completely ok and we clarify in advance what the guest imagines, what wishes he has, how long a meeting should be, etc.. Also the clarification of the restricted area ordinance and health protection are important. With this we protect you above all, so that you neither come into conflict with the law - possibly even without realizing it - and so that you stay healthy. Often the escort ladies travel to a date by train or plane. Then the agency Eden Escort takes over the complete travel arrangements for you and provides you with all travel information and documents in time.

Escort Agency or Independent?

Escort Agency or Independent? We take care of you!

While you have a meeting, we are available for you by phone around the clock. If anything changes or the date is extended or canceled, you can always fall back on the support of the agency. After each booking you will receive a statement of account from the agency, which is coordinated with the tax office in terms of form and content requirements. This way you have all the information for your income tax in one document, which you have to submit once a year depending on your tax circumstances. Furthermore, you have access to a tax consultant who has been taking care of Eden Escort and various girls for 20 years. And if it should ever be necessary, we can also put you in touch with a lawyer who specializes in our business at short notice.

These are all the services that the agency offers you and for which you pay a commission from the fees to the agency. As an independent escort you manage all this yourself. Thus, you now have a well-founded assistance to decide whether escort agency or independent for you comes into consideration.

If you are now interested in a job and would like to learn more about applying as an escort at Eden Escort and the exact process click HERE.