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Escort Duos

Escort Duos, a very special experience, a ménage à trois.

Escort service as a duo

Escort Duos: Eden Escort is in the fortunate position that some of the escorts are friends with each other and also offer escort services in a double pack. For the agency, the fact that the two escort ladies get along very well and have a soft spot not only for men but also for their own sex, is a basic requirement to recommend a double on the website and to provide you with a contact on request.

Escort Duos - Once in a Lifetime

If a guest at Eden Escort has decided to arrange a contact with an escort duo, the two escort ladies will do everything to make the togetherness an unforgettable experience. Perhaps such an evening begins with a dinner in a small restaurant and many hints as well as random looking touches already give an idea of what still awaits the guest.

If one is then later among themselves in a "ménage à troit" the entire attention of the escort duo ladies applies to the wishes of the guest. Many often dreamed scenarios then become reality. Tenderness and pleasure characterize these hours and all participants will remember this unique encounter for a very long time. But it does not have to remain with "Once in a Lifetime" - Eden Escort has here still new ideas and mediates contact to escorts who are very special. Let us advise you.

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